After Action Report: Battle of Dry Creek, 18-19 August 2018

Dry Creek this year was Wet Creek with the rain that has been endemic to West Virginia this summer.  Facing the twenty-odd riders of the 2nd Virginia were myself, Corporal Harry, Trooper Frankie, Trooper "Billy Yank" Fuzia, Trooper Crispin, and Trooper Amos.  As you can see the odds were in our favor... We had plenty of action, both mounted and dismounted, and I was most pleased with the positive waves that flowed in spite of driving rain followed by heat and humidity.  As usual this small event was a lot of fun and included infantry and artillery in addition to the mounted combat arm of decision.  The artillery usually does a live fire at a target but had to cancel this year due to the rain.  If you have never seen cannon balls fly you should come out to Dry Creek some time and check it out.  Only in WV...  My thanks to the intrepid troopers that came out for this one.