After Action Report: Brandy Station Ceremony, 13 June 2018


On 13 June, a small detail from Co. A, reported to Brandy Station to join with Captain Bill Scott and members of the Black Horse to help commemorate a memorial for Captain Wm. F. Payne of the 4th Va Cavalry. Led by brevet Sgt. Norm Hoerer, our mounted detail consisted of trooper Doutt, trooper Happy, myself, Cpl. Thomas, and also joined by trooper Standard, and one dismount, Randy Stolz, Charlie’s friend from Martinsburg Pa.  A brief company drill led to a series of saber charges with the Black Horse, followed by forming up for the oration ceremonies, with comments from Bud Hall and various dignitaries. We proceeded to dismount and a carbine salute was initiated, after which we were graciously invited to a very fine catered lunch. Mr. Hall and guests were favorably impressed and grateful for our services. Always good to visit and stay involved with Brandy Station. A thanks to all involved. Although brief, we all left smiling and well fed. 

Faithfully submitted

Lt. Ace

2nd. US Cavalry

Co. A

William Henry Fitzhugh Payne was one of the two men (other was a John Scott) who initially started the Black Horse Cavalry as a Virginia militia unit in 1858.  John Scott was its initial Captain while it was Virginia militia.  Upon the outbreak of the Civil War, Payne entered Confederate service as captain of the Black Horse Cavalry, was promoted to major of the 4th Virginia Cavalry September 1861, to lieutenant-colonel in 1862 of the 4th Virginia cavalry, and finally to brigadier-general commanding Payne's Brigade, Fitzhugh Lee's Division.   

For further information regarding William Henry Fitzhugh Payne See the following: